Garden Project
November 11, 2016Upholstery venture
November 11, 2016Project Overview:
The town of Klawer lies 10km to the south-east of Stellar Winery and is firmly in the catchment area of Stellar Foundation.
Klawer is home to a large number of under-resourced families. The children benefit from feeding schemes run by the local schools during term time, but ensuring that at-risk children are properly fed during the holidays has been a problem.
Since 2011, Stellar Foundation has managed a meal-a-day feeding project during school holidays, combined with activities that keep them occupied and in a safe space for at least part of every weekday. Started by the Foundation’s Irene Dell with a little money and a lot of hope, the Holiday Feeding Project has become a fixture which has reduced child-perpetrated crime in the town and forged bonds within the community.
We have seen to over 30 000 full tummies since the start of this project. That’s a lot of good food served up with a hefty dollop of love.
We have a group of volunteers (angels) doing the cooking, wonderful support from local business and often host volunteers who come to organise activities for the children.
An extension of this project was added in June 2015 in the rural area of Kys, Vredendal.